After thinking quite a while I decided to order a new Arturia product:
Arturia Spark drum machine. It's a hybrid product which means that you'll get a dedicated hardware usb/midi controller, but you have to have a computer running the software and producing sounds.
In general there are pros and cons with this hybrid approach:
(+) hybrids are cheap (if you allready have a decent PC or mac and sound card too!)
(+) there are practically no memory limits like many hardware synths have.
(+) computer integration is already there
(+) you don't necessarily need this controller if you wanna just take those sounds or loops etc. with you
(-) but you'll need to carry this computer everywhere...
(-) computers have their own instability problems
(-) there're maybe a latency issues. Sound is maybe little delayed because of midi and sound card etc.
(-) sometimes software based products (Arturias also) tend to be "semifinished" when those companies start to sell them.
Let's see how Spark will meet these challenges...
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